Saturday, 30 August 2008
What Do I Do With This Lot
Friday, 29 August 2008
Gift Idea #6

On the other hand you could just browse around our stores for some fantastic goodies.
Southernscraps, Beadsme and Silvercanyons
Cabinet Update
I am on the last stretch and need to sort out my purchases that still sit in bags, and to price them up. Oh my that means I also have to remember what the gemstones are, this is a nightmare to me. I can see my Flickr pics increasing and questions flying.
Just a quick post and hope that I can update better over the weekend, I have another gift idea coming up.
Oh and don't forget to check out this post and help a wonderful family in need.
Those who have supported we thank you very much.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
I Think It Is About Time We Had Our Dining Table Back
Monday, 25 August 2008
The Extended Family
This sure looks like feeding time at the zoo!!!
Friday, 22 August 2008
Pull Together To Help Someone - Darnell

Darnell is a 20 year old, still living with his parents. Until he fell ill, he worked with his mom, who owns a construction cleaning business. His father is a prison guard. They live in Columbia, South Carolina. Darnell has two brothers, a cousin was also raised by his mom and dad, but he is now grown and out of the house, and another cousin is still living with them currently, she is 9 years old.
Darnell has no health insurance, because his father's insurance dropped him at age 18, and his mom's business is too small to be able to afford an employee health care plan. He has recently been diagnosed with a tumor behind his eyes. He noticed something was wrong when his vision was beginning to fail. He went completely blind in both eyes within a matter of weeks. The tumor is pressing down on both optical nerves. Most recently, his condition turned worse, when he was unable to keep any food or water down for three days. He was admitted to the hospital, and the doctors decided to surgically remove his tumor the very next day. No word yet on his condition after surgery.
The family is in a financial bind. Expensive tests (MRI, eye tests, CT-scans, doctor visits, etc.) all required down payments, and monthly payment plans. The family is falling behind on their regular bills. Although Medicaid has been applied for, bills must be paid until it kicks in, if it is approved.
We ask you to please consider shopping our shops as we are donating money to this for this family (search JETTEAM on, donate money out right and please please please pray for this family. If you are interested in donating money please contact
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
I Have Been Featured On The DUST Team Blog
I would like to give a big thank you to Julie-Ann, my reviewer. You can check out her gorgeous creations on Etsy at or her blog at
Of course these reviews wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the creators of Etsy DUST team.
Cheers everyone.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
A Matching Pair

Don't they look great together. Put that little black dress on and add a bit of Asian Spice.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
My Fantasy Treasury

Sunday, 10 August 2008
My New Creation - Berrilicious
You can find plenty more goodies in my Etsy store.
And whilst I was doing the finishing touches, photography and editing Barry was doing this!!
Friday, 8 August 2008
Gift Idea #5

Sunday, 3 August 2008
What a 1st Of August 2008
Friday started off very weird indeed. Went for a smoke about 6.30am to brave the chill but there was no chill, the wind was warm. Was we in for a storm? Until lunch time it remained gorgeous with sun and warm breeze. Then the shock came, the temperature dropped drastically and rain arrived.
In the evening we watched the news and weather, no warnings. Later in the evening I went outside and said to my hub that it was weird. There was a really strong wind but high so you couldn't feel it. But you sure could hear it through the bush trees. It would start as a gentle blowing sound then get so noisy, you could actually see the bush tree tops bending over.
By 9.30pm I decided to retire to bed but left our electric heater on in the room until hub came to bed. Even though my eyes were closed I noticed the fire go out and opened my eyes to be greeted with pitch black. On came the power again. Hub at the time was down the bottom of the garden with the dogs and was trying to work his way back to the house. Imagine not being able to see a thing and knowing he would have to negotiate back to the house going passed the pool and up the stairs.
By 10.00pm we were both in bed and the wind was now whipping around the house. The power had completely gone now and just to get up for the bathroom was a 'feel for furniture and walls' obstacle course. Neither of us slept much due to the wind and the noise of falling branches and roof tiles flapping. At one time we were wondering whether to get the dogs in and let them sleep in the bedroom just incase we had to make a quick escape. Those bush trees are massive. I also thought that we would wake to damaged cars as many of the sounds were large branches on tin, luckily it was the carport.
2.30am my son arrived home and said that he couldn't get home the normal way as the road was blocked. The other way was just about passable but he was swerving all over the road to avoid big branches.
Decided to get up at around 6.00am and the house was like a fridge. We had no running water due to being on tank water and the power still off. No form of heating as all we had was electric fires and reverse cycle air conditioners. We put the generator on and manged to pump some water through so that we could fill the saucepans, heat them up on the gas hob and have some sort of wash. Did this bring back memories, the last time I had a strip wash in a freezing cold room was when I was a child and my Nan used to say 'Don't forget the back of your neck, your smelly bits including your feet'. At 40+ trying to get your feet up into the sink was a job and a half.
This was the aftermath of the winds. Blocked road (luckily we had another route out) and power lines and poles down.
We deicded to go into the local town and have a big breakfast. Mmmmm. Then back to a cold house.
I telephoned the electricity company and was told we should be back on around 12.30pm. That came and went I telephoned again the response was late afternoon. At 3.30pm I decided to take a drive down the road and look at the carnage and realised that no one was about. Where were the workmen? Late afternoon power on - my big butt? We drove down again round about 8.00pm and they were working away. Yaaaayy. Big trucks and lots of lighting. I really hoped they could get it done as it wasn't just a fact of reconnecting the wires the pole was down.
We prepared for the cold. And the forecast said there may be frost. Great! Found my thermals, on they went with 2 sweatshirts, fleece, 2 pairs of socks, gloves and a scarf. Hub had set up the generator earlier to try and keep our freezer going as it was full of food so he thought if he could do that, then he could get the TV on. OK we watched TV in darkness and freezing cold huddled on the sofa with the dogs for extra warmth. We also made ourselves a bit headachey and sick due to the fumes coming in to the house from the generator. By 9.30pm we were in bed almost fully clothed.
We must have been really toasty warm as we both slept quite well. I woke around 3.00am for the bathroom and noticed the time on my bedside clock. Yayyyy we had power back. Did I appreciate the shower this morning. It was like Christmas.
A neighbour who has lived here many years said that it was the worst winds she had experienced. I honestly thought all through the night that this was it, we were going to lose everything. We are so lucky and if we hadn't had the generator things may have been a bit more unbearable.