I can't believe we went out in the boat again. Not so much of a disaster as the first time, see
"We had to laugh"All hooked up and ready for the off and hub couldn't find the boat keys. He looked for ages so I thought had better help him. Got out of the passenger seat of the ute and there they were. I was sitting on them.
Off we go! So we thought. Got to the end of our road and hub realised he hadn't got his wallet (we needed fuel for the boat) so U-turn at the end, with boat in tow and back home we trot. Again he was searching and searching eventually found his wallet had fallen out of his trousers and was down the side of the bed.
OK U-turn at the other end of our road and off we trot again.
Yeah, we get to boat ramp site. Must have a pee before we set off. Boathouse loos are locked. Great! Find somewhere to squat. With boaters coming back and forth that was quite hard. Eventually relieved!!!
Boat on ramp, in the water and me to unhook it. Had to roll my jeans up and, oh dear, hadn't shaved my legs for ages, looked like a bloomin' porcupine.... Anyway off hubby goes to the jetty whilst I park up the ute and trailer.
Once I was in the boat we could relax and take a slow drive up the river. Beautiful sunshine, not too breezy .... bliss. Just happended to look behind and saw this.

OK no problem we are going in the direction of the sunshine, the storm was behind us.

We also spotted these cuties, decided we wanted to retire here and then quickly changed our minds. What if the river rose after too much rain. Good point, didn't want to have a heart attack before our times were up.
After about an hour we decided we had better head back. Looking at the sky it wasn't too bad until we saw the flash of lightning go accross it. Alas we carried on towards dry land. Almost back to the boat ramp, another 10 minutes driving and we got it. The downpour, I mean. We were cold and wet and, by then, just wanted a hot cup of coffee.
As this trip was a lot better that the first one the boat remains and we will do it again. It can only get better!!!