Well we decided to get another Spaniel. This time a Welsh Springer Spaniel.
Tango (Rough Collie) is now 14 and the vets are not sure he will see another Winter. Poor Toby (Cocker Spaniel) will have no other doggy to play with.
Missy was born on 3rd February 2010 and the wonderful breeder from
Lornelane updated us every week on all the puppies.

Easter Friday we picked up our lovely little Missy and brought her home. She is definitely a little Miss. Poor Tango is having his tail chewed but throw her pink piggy and she is satisfied to give that a chew for a while. We have found that she loves playing ball but the ball is too big for her to actually put it in her mouth.

Oh and on her first day she gave us a heart attach by walking over the pool cover.

This is Missy being introduced to the boys.